In a display of gratitude and patriotism, Cuyahoga Heights Schools united across all three buildings to honor veterans through music, art, and heartfelt tributes on November 11. From elementary students presenting handmade crafts to middle and high school students viewing video tributes, the observances showcased the district's deep appreciation for those who have served our nation.
An assembly at Cuyahoga Heights Elementary School paid tribute to approximately 45 veterans. The ceremony began with Cub Scout Pack #28 conducting a flag ceremony, followed by the kindergarten class leading the Pledge of Allegiance. The fourth-grade students sang the high school’s Alma Mater. Fifth graders performed "The Star-Spangled Banner," "America the Beautiful," and "God Bless America."
Veterans were introduced and presented a handmade craft from the preschoolers. First-grade students delivered an acrostic poem based on the word “veterans.” Fourth and fifth-graders recited the letters they wrote to the veterans. Students also presented on all the branches of the U.S. military. Following the assembly, all veterans were invited to enjoy refreshments in the cafeteria, where they could further connect with the students and staff.
At Cuyahoga Heights Middle and High School, students learned the origin of the holiday and how it evolved from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. Originally called Armistice Day to commemorate the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 in which the armistice was signed to end World War I, the name was changed in 1954 to honor all who have served in America's armed forces. The assembly concluded with a tribute video highlighting local veterans, including teachers, staff members, and family members from the school community who have served in the U.S. military. The community can watch the video tribute here.
"From our youngest Wolf Pups to our oldest Red Wolves, our entire community came together in a beautiful display of patriotism and gratitude,” said Dean of Students Elena Scotton. “Seeing students across all three schools wearing red, white, and blue while honoring our veterans was a powerful reminder of how service and sacrifice resonate across several generations throughout our communities."